
by Andrea Silies
Andrea Silies
Photograph - Photography
This is a once-in-a-lifetime photo. I would call this a home run. This is the cropped version where I cropped out the tree I was hiding behind.
He couldn't have done anything to make this photo any better than it already is. He stopped, posed, bugled and even dressed for the occasion. I'm so incredibly thankful for having the opportunity to get this shot. I couldn't ask for anything more.
Pictured is a single, impressive, mature, 10 point, bull elk bugling during the beginning stages of the rutting season while a freshly picked purple flower with green leaves hang from his antlers. This bull is really stepping up his game by bringing the cows flowers to impress them with. If that were not enough, he is also serenading them with a song by bugling. How can the ladies resist all that and a freshly cleaned rack as well? What's not to love?
For the record, the flowers were not photoshopped in. He actually got them stuck on his antlers just before I took the shot. It was an incredible opportunity for me. A day I won't soon forget.
Vertical crop
After several research attempts, the purple flower is actually a Missouri native weed called Joe Pye Weed. Joe Pye was a native medicine man and used the weed to cure typhus, kidney stones and urinary tract complications. So it sounds like it fights bacteria. Interesting tid bit.
September 8th, 2017