Autumn Elk

by Andrea Silies
Autumn Elk
Andrea Silies
Photograph - Photography
I spent a little time with the herd over the weekend. The felt on their antlers is all scraped off now. I noticed more rut behavior on Saturday than I did on Monday so the rut is still in its infantile stages at this time. Some bugling going on, the lead bull hanging around the herd, and the satellite bulls keeping their distance. Here is a pic of the lead bull.
Soon the park will be flooded with people and they will become irritable and less patient with visitors. I've seen many families unknowingly put their children in harms way in order to get a selfie. These often slow moving elk can run up to 45 mph and can be incredibly dangerous and unpredictable. Please respect their space. If not for your sake, then do it for theirs.
I'd really hate to see one of these guys have to be put down because of someone being stupid and provoking them. (Sorry if this sounds like a rant, but I view this park as an incredible opportunity to experience wildlife behavior and I'd hate to lose it.)
September 7th, 2015